Author Archives: staceyapurcell

About staceyapurcell

Stacey Purcell earned her bachelor degrees in French (specializing in 19th century lit.) and Education. She followed that up with a masters in Early Childhood Development (specializing in social isolates). All that being said, she could always be found with a good book in her hand. Victoria Holt, Barbara Cartland, and Kathleen Woodiwiss were early heroes for her. She then wrote her first romance on hotel stationary in London when she was fifteen and continued dabbling for the next twenty years. She never lived in the United States until her mother dropped her off at her dorm for college. (Talk about culture shock!) It’s not surprising that her first real novel takes place in Malaysia where she spent a huge chunk of her childhood. It will always remain the home of her heart and she travels back as often as she can. Her second book will take place in Costa Rica complete with hidden treasure, drug cartels and portable nuclear weapons. It seems she can’t keep exotic countries out of her story telling.

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